The default template will be used if you run a build without specifying a template to use. The default template currently has just one layout.

Template Configuration

This template accepts document configuration parameters:

Property Description
cssFiles An array of web paths to use as CSS imports for all of your files
cssVars The CSS variables to use to overwrite the default templates current styling. Read more about specifying the CSS variables' values
favicon The URL to the favicon
finePrint HTML content to inject at the bottom of the page as a footer.
footerLinks An array of objects with a title and href property. This entries will be added as links to the footer.
jsFiles An array of web paths to use as JavaScript files to load at the end of the HTML.

CSS Build Variables

You can change some of the styling for the default template by specifying properties within your document configuration file.

Variable Description Default
baseFontFamily The font family used. "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
baseFontSize The base font size. 16px
baseFontWeight The base font weight. 400
baseLineHeight The base line height. 1.5
backgroundColor The base background color. #FDFDFD
brandColor Primary branding color. #2A7AE2
brandColorDark Dark brand color. #053B80
brandColorLight Light brand color. #B3CFF2
codeBackground The background color for code sections. #828282
greyColor The gray to use. #828282
maxWidth The maximum width 1400px
phoneWidth The width at which the layout will swap to phone mode. 600px
spacingUnit The spacing to use to separate parts of the documentation. 30px
tabletWidth The width at which the layout will swap to tablet mode. 800px
textColor The base text color. #111

Page Headers

This template looks at the page headers to define how parts of the page are rendered. Specifically, these are the headers used by the default template.

Property Description
canonical A relative or absolute URL to this same page that exists elsewhere. This helps SEO.
description The description to add to the HTML header's meta data
subtitle The sub title for the page.
title The title for the page.
toc Supported as described in the page headers documentation